New Delhi: The Modi government is set to take office for the third consecutive term, with the swearing-in ceremony scheduled for today. Rashtrapati Bhavan is being lavishly decorated with floral garlands, and workers are fully engaged in making the event grand. Additionally, there is a possibility that the long-pending hopes of central government employees will be fulfilled after the ceremony.
Reports suggest that the Modi government might soon take a major step concerning the 8th Pay Commission, potentially offering significant benefits to employees. Rumors indicate that the central government could set up the 8th Pay Commission, akin to a substantial gift for the workforce. If this materializes, it is expected that employees will experience a significant financial gain. Nevertheless, no official statement has been made so far, though media outlets are circulating these claims.
Good news will be received on 8th pay commission
Central government employees may find their long wait coming to an end during the Modi government’s third term. The administration is poised to make a crucial decision on the 8th Pay Commission, anticipated to be formed by July-August. This development is expected to result in a significant salary hike for central employees, something that will undoubtedly please everyone.
Formed in 2014 and implemented in 2016, the 7th Pay Commission set a precedent. Rumor has it that the 8th Pay Commission, if formed, could be enforced by 2026, akin to a golden deal. The government typically initiates a new commission every decade and implements its recommendations, but as of now, no official statements have been made by the government regarding this matter.
Fitment factor is also expected to increase
The Modi government at the center may decide to increase the fitment factor for central employees, which would be akin to a significant golden offer. The fitment factor could be increased to 3.0 times. Currently, employees are benefiting from a fitment factor of 2.60
Should there be an enhancement in the fitment factor, it would propel salaries forward like a giant leap, resembling a major piece of good news. However, at present, there has been no official communication on this matter. Media reports are asserting this claim.